Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Jord! 9 years old!!

 Happy Birthday Jord!  Jord turns 9 today.  As Kim would say "Jord is pure delight!"  Jordan is SO tender and funny.  She is absolutely enjoyable!  Jord has had a big year!  She grew up so much from 8 to 9 that I can hardly stand it.  It actually breaks my heart just a little!  Here are a few things about Jord in the last year...
She turned into a fasion diva..  Seriously like needs hair and fancy shoes and all!  Wonder where she got it:)  Jord is hilarious!  She is so full of one liners and her timing is incredible!
Jord was baptized and takes that responsibility very seriously.  She attend activity days and LOVES it!  Here she is at her "Princess Party" wearing her baptism dress.  It helps that Kim is her activity day leader and does a fabulous job!
 Jord finally got the dog she has been waiting her entire life for.  Jord LOVES all animals and specially her dog Belle.  We all actually love Belle!  In the last year our family has got a hamster, a turtle and a dog and Jordan is the caretaker for all of them!
Jord is pretty sure she is doing to teach Belle to dance.  For Halloween she wants to be a Salsa Dancer and have Belle dress up like the "boy"
 Jordan LOVES the Ranch.  She would have made the perfect farm girl.  She is so good with a animals.  She loves to ride Grandpa's horses.  Grandpa set up a barrel racing course for the girls last time we were up there!  Magical!
Jord also loves her family!  She loves to take care of people and spends 99% of her free time with her family!
Jordan took dancing last year at the Edge and is taking again this year.  She has a great sense of rhythm and some serious flexibility!  Jord also feel in love with skiing this winter.  She hadn't love it (okay she hated it) but this winter she began to like it!  Yeah!
Jord LOVES these 2 girls!  These girls spent nearly all day every day together this past summer!  That is not an exaggeration!  We are so blessed that they live across the street from us! This summer Jord spent a lot of time with Aunt Kim is Bear Lake.  Kim would take the girls up for 3 or 4 days and it was times I couldn't go so Jord just hopped in the van!  Thank you Kim!
Because Jord is the youngest of 5 she sometimes lives in a rather adult world!  This Spring we went to Virginia, DC and New York and Jord was a trooper.  She really did love every second.  Here is Jord and Grandpa at ground zero.  Jord got to travel quit a bit in the last year!  As I said above all in all the spent several weeks in Bear Lake and St. George.  Jord also made a trip to the Mall of America and then our big graduation trip this Spring.  
Jordan is an organizer!  She loves to organize her room, the kitchen, the dinner table, anything!!  She also loves to bake and LOVES Legos!
Jord loves this guy!  This picture is terrible but I had to add it.  It is the first day of school.  Now, Jord stops by Aunt Kim's house EVERY day before school and EVERY day after school.  Here is her first morning stop by of this school year!  Kinnick waits at the window for her! LOVE!
Happy Birthday to my not so little girl!  She truly is a light in our house!  Love, Love, Love my Jordie!!

1 comment:

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Love her guts...Can't believe the babies are turning 9!

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Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
