Thursday, April 25, 2013

As of lately...

We haven't been doing a whole lot of anything special lately.   Or so it seems.  A goal of mine is to "find special" in every day.  So here are a few every day happenings in the last week.  First I need to mention a few that I don't have photos for.  Mitchell is getting all A's and B's.  School is NOT Mitchy's favorite thing so this is a BIG deal for him.  We are so proud!  Second, a few days ago I mailed Chaser's graduation announcements.  Graduation from college that is!  WOW!  Time flies.  I am counting down the days until we all fly out there to attend his graduation.  Chase has worked so hard!  What a huge accomplishment!!  So, as for a few less significant happenings....

This is what my front hallway looks like on almost any given Friday.  My kids are super social (wonder where they got that from?) and on Fridays they both usually have friends over.  Last Friday there were 13 kids at out house.  Some days I think I have lost my mind but most days I just enjoy the chaos.  

 I have been anti-pet for quite a while now.  But for Taylor's birthday all she wanted was a turtle.  A turtle?  So, that is what she got.  She is actually a tortoise and rather delightful!  Well, after the purchase of the turtle Jord was set on a hamster.  Since it was NOT her birthday she had to pay for it with her own money.  And that she did.  Everyone, meet Rhino.  We have already lost Rhino once after Jord, Reag and Samantha failed to put him back in his cage after playing with him.  He roamed around in our great room for an entire day.  When we noticed he was gone (or course it was 10:00 at night!) we put forth a full scale search.  Jeff found him underneath the armoire!  Phew!!!  Jord, of course, chose an "oversized hamster."  Love it!!

This is Lola.  Lola reminds me a lot of myself.  Very slow and steady and old and wrinkly.  Lola is actually quite endearing. 

Jeff has been working a lot in Salt Lake.  Last Tuesday the girls had a furlough day and Jeff had to work in Salt Lake on Monday and Tuesday.  So we headed down to Salt Lake.  Who doesn't love a good night away from home?  We ate at Cheesecake Factory and Jord swam twice.  My heart was a little sad when Tay didn't want to swim, she is getting old.

 Life just doesn't get better than this.  Eating Cheesecake and watching Duck Dynasty!  We had a nice relaxing evening and slept in the next morning.  

Overall, life is wonderful and busy and crazy and that is just the way we like it!!!

1 comment:

Shera said...

I am glad to hear you watch Duck Dynasty. It's a favorite here at the Wheeler house :) I like your new pets as well.

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
