Monday, May 24, 2010

“Bridge” to Graduation

Another great week in May! Taylor’s class has been working all year on an art tile project with the Utah State Art Department. Taylor has loved it and had her work displayed at the Gallery Walk and how it is hanging in the hall at Mountainside. They each made two tiles, one an independent clay tile of an animal. Taylor’s animal was a duck. The second clay tile was part of a mural of wet lands. It turned out beautiful and the kids were SO excited. The public unveiling was last Friday. The school hosted a reception. It was really neat, made me cry! Just like everything lately!!!

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Today, Jordan had her Kindergarten Graduation. WOW! I am just absolutely loving my girls at this stage. I try to soak up every second because I am learning that they grow up WAY to fast.

Jordan had a great year this year. Her teacher was wonderful and Jordan made so much emotional and academic progression. I am so proud of her. She never complained about homework or going to school! In fact, she won the attendance award for her class!

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Jordan’s teacher, Mrs. LaMont made a slide show of photos she had taken and had collected from all of the parents. The upper right is all the kids watching the video. It was darling. I was Jordan’s head room mom and loved spending time with her in the class room. Now, onto first grade! I am so not ready for that and will just cherish this summer!!

Chase also went back to Virginia Tech on Sunday.  He is attending summer school and putting in his last 6 weeks at the dorms.  He does say that his dorm this summer is a “suite” which means it’s much larger and has it’s own living room.  Next fall he is moving into an apartment.  It was wonderful having him here!  He just makes me happy.  We will see him again in about 6 weeks when he heads home for about one month until fall semester starts!  Can’t wait!!

1 comment:

jilljohnson said...

How much fun for Tay class. That is awesome. I can not believe that Jord is done with K and is going to be in 1st grade! I can not wait to have chase home for a month he is so fun to have around.

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Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
