Sunday, October 16, 2011

13.1 Together We Run…

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About 10 months ago I started doing an exercise class with some of my friends from the ward.  When I started the class I dreaded the warm up runs.  I HATED running!  About 4 months ago Jeff had just finished Ragnar and was looking for a way to maintain motivation for running.  He decided to run a 1/2 marathon.  In the beginning I just started training with him and a few weeks in I decided to make the commitment.    Now, this was no easy feat for me.  I continued to dislike running and am truly the slowest runner in the universe.  Well, throughout the 12 week training process I began to tolerate running and on occasion… looked forward to my runs.  Running is so rewarding because it is so hard.  In the last 3 months I have learned and discovered so many things.  Here are a few:

1.  Jeff is the best, best man in the world.  I already knew this but this experience deepened my love for him.  We didn’t run together all the time but when we did he was encouraging and kind.  He always ran on the inside of the road to make sure no cars came near me.  He would run way below his pace just to keep me going.  He had not problem with me buying lots of fun running stuff just because it was motivational for me. 

#1 was the best thing I learned the best are in no particular order.

2.  Running skirts make you feel cute.

3.  Glide rocks!

4.  Good running shoes are well worth the investment.

5.  Running can be emotional and often time calls for gut check.

6.  My ipod shuffle is the best.

7.  My Garmin is even better.

8.  It is very cool when you cross the finish line and they say your name over the loud speaker.

9.  I CAN and did quit Diet Coke (just until the race, I am back on now)

10.  Wellsville is up hill both ways.  When you live on a mountain like we do the final blocks are ALWAYS up hill. 

11.  I don’t like dogs who aren’t on leashes.

12.  Head lamps are truly nerdy and truly necessary.

13.  Training is a time commitment and has to be a priority.

14.  I have a very clear thought process when I run.  I love that!

15.  The human body is an incredible thing! 

16.  Strangers who cheer for you make you feel good. 

17.  Water is your best friend.

18.  You can and must run when you are on vacation.

19.  I can do things that I never dreamed I could do.

20.  I run for me.  People always say I did it for my family, my kids, my husband or whatever.  Not me.  I run because it was a challenge both physically and mentally for me.  Something so hard for me could not be done for anybody but me.

21.  I love to see Jeff at the finish line.  Every race we run he finishes well before me and he is always waiting anxiously.

22.  My Father in Heaven blessed me with a body that is healthy and it is my responsibility to take care of it.  At mile 10 of the 1/2 marathon there was a man sitting on a bench with a prosthetic leg. I have never felt so grateful.

23.  Quitting is not an option.  Anything so difficult must be seen through to the end.

24.  Don’t drink too much after a race.

25.  Just like in the life, the last stretch is the hardest.

Jeff’s best friend came to see us.  He ran the last few blocks with me which was a great help.  The last 2 miles were brutal the the wind was blowing against me so hard I doubted if I would make it.

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I am not sure if I will run another 1/2,  I suspect I will.  I know I learned countless lessons and truly enjoyed being a part of the process.  AND…  Just a little bragging here on behalf of my incredible husband.  He ran fast and was 10th among his age group!  Way to go babe!!! 

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jilljohnson said...

Way to go both of you!!! You amaze me and imspire me in so many ways!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

good job guys..i agree with all your lessons learned. glide does rock!

Amy Parker said...

You are so dang AWESOME!! Good job you guys, I have never had the pleasure of meeting your husband, but he sounds WONDERFUL and I am so dang happy for you. WAY TO GO!!

Mandy said...

Way to go! That is so awesome and inspiring! :) we really need to do lunch soon... I miss seeing you!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
