Sunday, May 8, 2011

To My Favorite Mothers…

I recently started reading a book called the “Love Dare.”  It is a day by day challenge based on scripture principals.  Each day the challenge involves picking one particular ask the reader to focus on a behavior of their own that will if followed through with will positively impact your relationships. 

Day one:  Patience!!  SERIOUSLY?  Me.. I am going to be stuck on day one for the rest of my life!!  Progress, not perfection right?

Today being mother’s day I have thought of all the mother’s in my life that I adore.  Truly, most of them are more patient than me.  It is no coincidence that I started reading this book right before Mother’s day.  Lack of patience if the one vice that will kill me!!  So, given that I challenge myself to be more like my favorite mothers….

Grandma Gayle

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My grandmother has been a blessing in my life.  She was been one of my greatest supporters and never do I see her that she doesn’t tell me she loves me and is praying for me.  She supported all my sporting events growing up and I always felt like she was in my corner.  She raised 7 wonderful kids one of which is my wonderful mother.  When I look at my Aunts and the wives my Uncles chose I know that my Grandma did something right!!  I love you Grandma.

Grandma Fern

I don’t have  a picture of Grandma Fern on my computer.  Growing up right next door I was blessed to see Grandma Fern daily.  She was such a hard worker.  She always cooked for us, made us laugh and gave the best back tickles EVER!  She raised 5 wonderful kids one of which is my incredible dad.  I miss her daily and laugh at our memories!


My Best Friends

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My friends are the most incredible mothers.  We spend endless hours talking about your kids and how to do things better.  They all raise their children in the gospel and I am so blessed to have their endless support!


Jeff’s friends

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I always tease Jeff that his kids and his friends are the best thing about him.  I am kidding… sort of!!  Jeff has the best friends who are great examples to me.  Remember that bit about patience in the beginning.. I need to hang out with Jenae more!!  I am blessed to know her and watch her interact with her children.  I will never understand everything she has done for Jeff’s kids through the year.  I will only hope to measure up!!

My Sisters, Sister-in-laws and Jen

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There truly are the women I respect most in the world!  Everything one could ever ask for in a mother exists in these gals.  I feel so blessed and humbled to know I raise my children among such dedicated, wonderful mothers.  I feel so blessed that my children interact with all of them on a regular basis and that I have been able to watch them raise their children.. learning along the way.  I love you all!

Jeff’s Mom Bettie

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Jeff’s mom has been in a nursing home for the 4 years that I have known her.  I wish I had known her when she was healthy because I hear she was a force to be reckoned with.  She supported Jeff beyond explanation never missing a sporting event or anything he was involved in.  She has an incredible sense of humor and loves her children endlessly.  I love hearing stories about her and love visiting her.   Bettie raised incredible children one of which I am lucky enough to be married too!  I am blessed to know her.

My Mom

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Words truly can’t express my gratitude to my mom.  Know that I am adult I truly understand the sacrifices she made for me.  She always worked, had a huge church job and never missed anything.  As a parent I know that is nothing short of a miracle.  I know understand why she did the grocery shopping at 5 in the morning and spend late hours “getting things done” in the evening.  My  mom taught me the importance of the gospel and has been the best example of parenting using gospel principals.  I don’t try to live up to her because I would fail miserably.  Instead I try to be just a little more like her each day.  I love you Mom and appreciate everything you do for me and my family!!

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I am grateful to each of my children for allowing me to stumble through this calling of motherhood.  Grateful to play a role in each of their lives and love and take care of them.  I feel inferior to them and they amaze me every day.  I only hope I raise my children half as well as my grandparents and mom raised me!!

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About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
