Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wellsville Mile 2011

This day is one of my favorite days all year.   Every year I am reminded of the truly incredible community in which I live.  I love that 1000’s of people come to watch their children run around the block.  I love that hundreds of kids train for months to run around the block.  I love the finish line, the clock, the numbers, the time cards, the excitement and the cheering.  When Jordan and I walked to our chairs (I put them out at 6:30 a.m. crazy!!) I teared up.  Hundreds of people lined the street in front of the school.  Some kids ran a mile in 6 minutes some in 18 but everyone finishes and everyone is cheered for.  Last year it poured buckets of rain so this year we were grateful for a dry but windy 40 degrees! 

Jordan and Anders bundled up to watch the runners.

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Yes, that’s Jord under the hat and blanket.  Jill, Maelee and Andrew came out to watch.  Jill is SO thoughtful.  She drove all the way into town to bring Taylor a Temptation cupcake..  Taylor’s favorite treat in the world!!  Thank you!!

Here is the sign we made and all signed:

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Taylor paced with her good friend Hannah.  I played basketball with Hannah’s mom in high school so I got a little emotional seeing them together..  Brought back the good ole days.

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Taylor and Hannah at the starting line:

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Taylor finished in just over 9 minutes which she was totally bummed about!!  I thought she did great! 

Receiving time cards…

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We stayed to watch all of the races.  As proud as I was of Taylor for her running I was even prouder of her character.  She cheered for EVERYONE!  Not just her friends.. but everyone!

Taylor and her BFF Brytan.. 

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After the run they had  a pizza party.  The kids all sign each other’s shirts…

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Taylor and Brytan wrote “Preslie" huge!  She is their good friend who moved away… they said they did it in memory! CUTE!

I had an incredible time today!  Sad that Taylor is growing up.  Next year she will move on to lockers and make up.  No longer will running around the block twice be the highlight of her year!  I will enjoy these last few weeks of elementary school with her.  I have no doubt that she will continue to be an incredible friend and leader as she grows up!


KW said...

Oh I so remember running that & training. It was so fun!

Jana said...

It was a ball!! So glad it didn't rain like last year!! Hannah is our cousin!! We camp each year with them at the annual Coburn Cousin Camp, I love their family!

Amy Parker said...

It was a great day. Wished I could have talked to you though. Saw ya but didn't get to say HI. What a wonderful day!!

jilljohnson said...

What a cute girl! I love how cute she and her friends are!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
