Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Chaser!

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Happy Birthday Chase!  I don’t want to start out negative BUT.. It really sucks having Chase so far away.  As most of you know he is a Sophomore at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.   I have been working very hard on perspective lately. For example, when my girls are fighting about who wants to wear the red bow I try to feel grateful that I have children!  When the house is a disaster and I feel like it is pushing me over the edge..  Grateful I own a home!  Okay, you got it..  So here is how it applies to Chase.  When my heart hurts that he is living so far away I feel grateful Chase has such an incredible opportunity, that he is SO smart and can get an education from such an incredible University.

I truly am grateful for Chase.  He is one of the brightest lights in my life.  He is funny, hard working, friendly and has an incredible sense of humor.  Chase is athletic, persistent and is not afraid of anything.  The younger kids think that Chase is the “coolest ever.” They are right.

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Chase loves to snow board and is very talented.  Here he is with his good friend Cade Huskinson.  I love that picture!  Chase also loves to wake board and can do an entire front flip on the water.

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Taylor and Chase on our cruise this past summer.

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Who knows??  Like I said: Chase is funny!!!

Happy Birthday to Chaser!  Thank you for being such an incredible young man (now I sound like my mom).  Thank you for texting me sometimes just to say Hi and you miss me.  Thank you for being so great to your dad and the rest of the kids.  Thank you for working so hard in school.  Thank you for allowing me to love you and hover even though it probably drives you crazy.  Thank you for making me laugh!  I can’t wait to see you!!

I love you Chase!


jilljohnson said...

Chase is such a great kid! Andrew will still talk about him from time to time and can not figure out why he does not get to see him more often!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Happy Birthday Chase!!! I hope you see this. We miss you:)

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
