Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Denver Broncos 2011

Every year my family (or some of them) take a trip to see the Denver Broncos.  This year Jeff and I decided we just couldn’t miss out!  As we thought about it we thought it would be good for Jeff to take the two older of the younger kids and spend some time with them.  It turned out to be a great idea!  On Saturday morning Jeff, Taylor and Mitchell headed out of town to catch a plane.   Because Jeff flies so often he has access to the "Delta Crown room” which is essentially a VIP room.  Well Taylor and Mitchell thought they were rock stars.

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Upon arriving in Denver they met up with Shea and Reagan.  Only the Dattage family would have 4 different families coming from 5 different directions!  When Jeff and the kids arrived only Shea and Reagan were there.  They soon later met up with everyone else.  They had a great time swimming and eating!  Evidentially Jeff was able to make an addict out of Shea with the frozen yogurt place near the hotel.

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Can you tell we like to eat??

Both of the kids had an absolute blast at the game.  Taylor said Uncle Ryan was the loudest ever!! 

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Check out Kyson!  If that isn’t the cutest picture you have ever seen?

After the game they swam again, ate again and got yogurt again!

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The last night there Mitchell got sick.  He threw up several times.  The good news was it only lasted 4 or 5 hours but bless his heart! He wanted to sleep on the bathroom floor!  Poor little guy!

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Overall they had a great trip and have talked about it nonstop since!   I have a feeling this trip just got added to our yearly traditions!

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Those of you feeling bad for Jordan… DON”T!  She went to build a bear workshop, Claire’s at the mall and played with Samantha for 3 days straight.  She ate pizza in my bed and part way through the rest of the family being gone said “I never want to do their tradition, I like ours better.”  I quite enjoyed it myself!!


Tenaya Garrett said...

that is so great that your husband would go without you and do one of YOUR family traditions! He must be a keeper! you look sooooo happy! It just seems like everytime we cross paths, I am having a stressful Sunday, or am trying not to use my EPI pen getting Allergy shots. I hope we can chit chat a bit more! Love ya Girl!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Fun...Jeff got way better pictures than Shea. I love the one of Kyson!!

jilljohnson said...

I love all the pictures. I can not believe that Ryan let Kyson get his hair painted oh wait all goes when it comes to the broncos. I love Tay's wig!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
