Monday, July 19, 2010

Last Day at Sea

Our sixth day of vacation was out last full day at Sea.  The weather was cloudy and relatively cold so we spent a lot of time playing games, eating, going to shows, eating..  Well you got the idea.

The kids loved the towel animals and there was an activity to teach us how to make towel animals.  So, Jeff and I and the little kids attended.

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The Comedian on board was hilarious!  He did a balloon animal thing for the kids.  When it was Jordan’s turn to make a request she asked for a scorpion.  He laughed and laughed.  Said he had never had a little girl ask for a scorpion!!

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Later the kids went to Kid’s club and Chase, Jeff and I went to participated in some games.  We did a win, lose or draw, several trivia’s and a gender wars (females won!).  Following Gender Wars Jeff promptly told me the Judge was cheating and favoring the women…  Can you say INTENSE!!!

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  We also swam a little more…  Mitchell  LOVES hot chocolate and he was able to get his “last cup of Joe.”  As he says!!!!

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Remember that eating part…  Here is the tray Jeff came back with after attending the “chocolate extravaganza!”  I love that man!!!


jilljohnson said...

How much fun. I love the chocolate tray!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Hunter and Mitchy would have gotten along chocolate by the load...even in the heat!!! Love the towell class..I still need Tay to bring her book up and teach me.

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
