Monday, June 7, 2010

25 Year of Excellence

I am sure that most of you probably read about my  Mom’s retirement party on Kim’s blog.  She actually posted right after the event instead of 10 days after!!  I am adding it as well because when I publish my blog I want all of the year’s significant events. 

My mom retired after teaching public school for 25 years.  She was an excellent teacher and came highly requested by parents.  As a parent, with children in the public school system an teacher with strong skills AND character is so important!

Jeff made her a video over her teaching experience and he titled it 25 years of excellence!  We had a great night at the Riverwoods, what a beautiful place.

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As a gift to my Mom for her retirement we gave her a Greg Olsen painting..

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A few days later Jeff and I had the opportunity to go to Greg Olsen’s studio and meet him in person.  What an amazing man with an incredible story.  He signed my Mom’s picture for her.

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Here are a few more photos from our afternoon with him…

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1 comment:

jilljohnson said...

Mom was a great teacher. Thanks to you and Jeff for the awesome video. What an great experience you had getting to meet Greg Olsen.

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
