Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Jord

Jordan turned 7 today.  There is really no words to do justice to Jord’s big personality. 

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Jordan had a great 7th birthday.  We have a “carnival” for 16 of Jordan’s closest friends.   Taylor dressed up like a clown and she was pretty funny!  Below are a few photos from Jordan’s party.

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Later we had party with our little family.  We ate Chinese food (Jordan’s pick) and had cake and ice cream.   Jordan got American girl doll clothes and a Nintendo DSi.  Only Jord would have to get this for Christmas and then AGAIN on her birthday because she dropped her first one in the ditch at the Wellsville Mile.

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In the past year Jordan has made me laugh so many times I can’t even count.  She is so forth right and honest it is almost scary at times.  Jordan has so many friends and is very loving.  Jordie grew up so much from age 6 to 7.  She is starting 2nd grade tomorrow and I am not sure where the time went.  Every time Jord comes up to me and clenches her teeth and grabs my arm I am reminded of the incredible blessing she is to all of us.

Happy Birthday Jordan.  We love you so much.  If I had a wish for you it would be that you continue to genuinely love yourself and others. 

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jilljohnson said...

Happy Birthday Jord we love you so much!

Alena said...

It is so fun to see them grow and change. There are a handful of you we really miss. I still feel so bad that when she was a baby Trevor was your hometeacher-in school, working and volunteering and trying to finish our home. We have learned a lot about simplifying and feel badly that we weren't there for you more. However, you are a survivor, a well respected one at that. With love always, Alena

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
