Friday, August 26, 2011

First Day of School

There were several days this summer when I couldn’t wait for school to start.  I was craving a quiet day at home with NO kids… until it actually happened!  For the majority of the summer Jeff and I had all 5 kids here.  What a hectic blessing! 

Chase left two weeks ago to start his junior year at Virginia Tech.  I HATE when Chase leaves.  I hate it because I LOVE it so much

when he is here.  I hate it so much because he is SO far away and I know it’s going to be a long time before I see him again.  I hate it because he is so fun to be around and just makes my life a littler fuller.  I hate it because he bring his fun friends over.  I hate it when he leaves because I have no excuse to stay up until midnight and eat around the table and chat.  The only reason I am okay when Chase leaves is because I know he is fulfilling a life long goal at a University he has wanted to attend since 7th grade.  I know he is working hard and happy and his time in school will likely change the course of his life forever.

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Taesha is moving into her apartment this very day!  She is going to attend Utah State starting next Monday.  I am so proud of her and LOVE that she will be an Aggie.  She has worked hard all summer at her job and is ready to roll.  I am so pumped because I can now wear Aggie blue with a purpose.  Utah State Hey Aggies All the Way!!

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Taylor started middle school yesterday.  I can’t believe she is in 6th grade and growing up so fast.  She was SUPER prepared.  She and her two BFFs had made several trips to the school in preparation.  The school is only a few blocks from our house so 3 times prior to school starting they went over to practice their lockers and their class routes.  The also walked to school to “time” how long it would take.   Because of all that when Taylor came home she proudly reported that she did not get lost once and opened her locker successfully all of the time!  I told her that is just like anything in life that is new and scary.. If you face it and prepare for it your task becomes so much easier. 

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I didn’t cry all morning until Taylor got in the car with Brytan.  Brytan’s mom Heather yelled out the window… “this is exactly how we took them to Kindergarten.”  I then cried all morning!  Taylor and Brytan have gone to the first day of school together every year!  How blessed are we to live by such wonderful people and Taylor to have such incredible friends.  Heather text me later that in the same time that has passed since K (6 years) they will be Seniors in high school.  Then we were both crying again!  Watching your kids grow up is such a tender and rewarding experience.

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First Day of School at Willow Valley.

Mitchell will start 5th grade on Monday at Sunnyside Elementary.  Mitchell’s school participates in a program where he has the same teacher for 2 years.  This is great for Mitchy because he really likes his teacher.  Mitchy is spending on last long weekend with us before “real life begins” and he starts school on Monday.  Mitchy is a crack up and I love to hear his stories of playground antics and homework drama.   I am always especially proud of Mitchy because he loves school but doesn’t love homework.. He just does it anyway!!

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Jordan was so excited for 2nd grade.  She didn’t cry until today when she said she is scared because this is her first year without Taylor at the school.  She had a great day yesterday and will have a great year!

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Jord rides the bus to school.  Even though we moved our new bus stop is one that is very familiar to Jord because it is in Kim’s front yard.  So anytime Kim was tending OR the weather was bad Jord would get on the bus there.  We counted and there was 19 kids at that bus stop.

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Strength is definately in numbers and it does make it easier to send your kids on the bus when they hop in with 19 of their neighbors!

Every year Juanita (my friend and neighbor) has a “snack shack”  The kids all get off the bus and we set up tables with treats, drinks and popsicles.  As usual the Snack Shack was a huge hit!

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When the kids got off the bus all parents were eagerly awaiting them.  We couldn’t wait to see how their new day had gone, did they have fun, make good choices, were people nice.  I couldn’t help but wonder if this is what it will be like in the life after this.  We will all probably be anxiously awaiting reunion with our children.  Hoping they did what it took to make it to eternity!!

Oh, on a less serious note.. I LOVE Reagan’s face in the photo on the top right!  Goof ball!!

And with that we are off to another year of homework, assemblies, concerts, friends, class parties and lockers.  It really does take a village and I am so comforted to know that our village rocks!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Jord

Jordan turned 7 today.  There is really no words to do justice to Jord’s big personality. 

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Jordan had a great 7th birthday.  We have a “carnival” for 16 of Jordan’s closest friends.   Taylor dressed up like a clown and she was pretty funny!  Below are a few photos from Jordan’s party.

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Later we had party with our little family.  We ate Chinese food (Jordan’s pick) and had cake and ice cream.   Jordan got American girl doll clothes and a Nintendo DSi.  Only Jord would have to get this for Christmas and then AGAIN on her birthday because she dropped her first one in the ditch at the Wellsville Mile.

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In the past year Jordan has made me laugh so many times I can’t even count.  She is so forth right and honest it is almost scary at times.  Jordan has so many friends and is very loving.  Jordie grew up so much from age 6 to 7.  She is starting 2nd grade tomorrow and I am not sure where the time went.  Every time Jord comes up to me and clenches her teeth and grabs my arm I am reminded of the incredible blessing she is to all of us.

Happy Birthday Jordan.  We love you so much.  If I had a wish for you it would be that you continue to genuinely love yourself and others. 

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer of Blessings

I have been a serious blog slacker! I have not posted since June and I should be ashamed of myself.  I have a million reasons why but as I tell my kids… those are just excuses.  So, before school starts and we hit he birthday season at our house I felt like I better catch up. 

We had a lot of change this summer.  The Morgan/Forsgren family all lived under the same roof which was incredible.  We bought a new house in Wellsville and feel so grateful to stay in such a great community.  But even better is that we live right across the stress from the Watrins.  I am just now realizing that I have no pictures of the new house.  I will update soon.

It was bittersweet leaving our old house of 10 years.  It was really the only home I have lived in as an adult.  Taylor moved there when she was 2 and Jord has lived their her entire life.  It was our little shelter and safety.  We were blessed to live there and truly loved our time.

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My girls got to have their first and only sleep over with friends.  My good friend was going out of town for an extended period of time so we were able to keep her girls.  We got glitter toes, ordered pizza, went swimming and had a great time.  Bless my sweet Mitchell’s heart for putting up with 4 girls chasing him for 3 days.

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Jeff and I were able to spend a week in Cabo San Lucas with a few of my favorite adults in the world.  We ate well, rested well and laughed hard.  We went on a zip line, body surfed a Lover’s Beach and drove “sierra buggies”  We stayed at an all inclusive resort and despite my exercising hard.. And I mean like try to keep up with Lance, Shea and Jeff hard I still gained 4 lbs.  OH WELL!!

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Boot Camp and Yoga on the ocean!  Seriously the best ever!

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Thanks to my family for a wonderful memory filled week.  May Jose Cruz never die!!

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Between moving and vacation Jeff and Chase managed to get away for a day on the bikes.  Jeff LOVES to ride with Chase.  We were lucky enough to have Chaser here for about 6 weeks.  He seriously moved and unpacked nearly our entire house.  I am SO blessed to have spent the summer with him.  He left last Sunday and I already miss the late night chats around the kitchen table.

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We also made it to Bear Lake several times this summer.  We made our usual Raspberry Days trip but it was not “normal”  The stomach flu had hit our family and Jill was passing a kidney stone.  Anyway..  we had a skeltal crew to say the least.  However, we still managed to be in the parade, run the 5K, down several shakes at 9 at night and spend a day on the water.  And yes… at 36 I can still get up on one ski.. to my surprise.

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Yes!  That really is Haydan hanging from the back of the tow truck!  Mitchell rode in front and pulled the horn about 9 million times.  He loved it!!

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Not sure what was up with my camera but  Shea, Lance, Hunter, Jeff and I ran the 5k.  Yes.. Lance rode down to the race on the hood of Kim’s minivan.  Only in Laketown!!

We were so lucky to have Mitchy here for a good part of the summer.  The kids took tennis, golf and swimming lessons.  They loved it!!

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We still have one more summer event and that is our annual Lagoon trip.. then back to reality!!

We have had an incredible summer and our first together as a family.  I am a blessed woman and the summer has brought miracles into our lives daily!  I love my kids, love my husband and love my life.  Taylor went to back to school night tonight and is off to middle school.  Chase is starting his junior year at Virginia Tech.  Taesha is starting at Utah State in a few weeks.  Mitchy is in 5th grade and Jordan is in 2nd.  Time flies and that makes my heart ache.  I am grateful for kids who work hard and love one another (most of the time).  Grateful for a husband who supports us and puts up with my intensity.  Grateful to have been blessed the way I have.  I don’t  understand why our Heavenly Father has allowed me such favorable circumstances but I do know where much is given much is expected.  I know that out of humility great things happen and am so excited to see what the future brings for our little family!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
