Monday, June 20, 2011


Sometimes the weirdest things turn out to be the best.  I would have never guessed that running 14-25 miles during 3 different shifts and often through the night would be fun…  However, Jeff decided to run the Wasatch Back relay this year and he loved it!  Shea and Lance did it last year and over the past year have convinced him to join them. 

For those of you who know Jeff he is very intense about some things.  So, when he made the commitment he started training.  I was super proud of him because on the day of the race he felt great!  One of his legs had a 4 mile hill and he said he felt really good!  I can’t drive 4 miles without needing a treat, let alone run up a 4 mile hill.  Anyway, Jeff and the boys had a blast and have not stopped talking about it since.  I assume they will never stop talking about it.  Jeff worked so hard that the kids and I made him a good luck poster.  Mitchy is here right now which is just SOOOO fun!

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Each team needs volunteers so Kim, Tonia and I volunteered at the starting line.  We checked the teams in and had a blast.  Then we loaded all the kids in the car to follow the team.  Some may say the defination of insanity…  I call it fun!

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Here they guys are when they met in the morning and then at the safety training.  The team started at 7:30 a.m. and began their trek to Park City. 

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Most of the photos were taken on Shea’s camera so I don’t have any race time photos.  These are all that the finish line.  The team ran 191 miles in 27 hours and 26 minutes.  They averaged just over an 8:30 mile which is just incredible! 

A kill is when you pass another runner and the teams kept track of them on the side of their car.  They also “decorate” their vans.

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The kids thought Jeff was a rock star and loved being at the race.  Congratulations to my sweet husband for training so hard and doing so well. 

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After the race we stayed in Park City for another day, played at the pool and went to the Park City Ski resort to ride the zip line, apline slide and alpine coaster.   Jeff and Lance were a little tired and a little weird.  Tonia and I just enjoyed laughing at them.

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1 comment:

momofsomja said...

Awesome post Jodi! Jeff is a great guy and you are a blessed woman!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
