Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Jordi!

My sweet little Jordi turns 6 today!  I can hardly believe how the time flies.  In one short day I will be putting her on the school bus for 1st grade!  Jordan is an absolute riot to be around and always keeps me in stitches.  Jordan is absolutely always true to herself and ALWAYS says it exactly how it is.

Jordan has grown up so much this year.  She actually started to like skiing.  She participated in another round of swim lessons, took jump rope class, learned to read, rode all the “big” rides at Lagoon, lost 2 teeth, loved riding the horse and decreased the frequency of tantrums by at least 70%! 

Here are a few funnies from Jordan in the past few years that I can think of…

We are sitting at Stake Conference and we are watching the meeting via telecast.  Some members received some callings and etc and when the process was finished Jordan said (very loudly) to me, “How does that guy know if we object, he is not even really here”? 

“Mom, my most favorite part of everything is my family!”

“Mom, did you know Samantha is like my cousin friend?”  I then ask Jordan what that means.  “Welll, it’s like my best friend and my cousin, so like the best ever.”

Jordan’s 1st grade teacher met with each child and their parents individually.   During that meeting Jordan says to her “You know, I have 3 dads?  My “real” dad, my “Jeff” dad and Heavenly Father.”

This is Jordan to Kim.  Kim is taking the girls to the mini Caprielle clinic and talking about how much fun they are going to have learning a new dance.  Jordan says this “I am just in it for the pizza!”

Jordan’s favorite time of the day is the sunset.  She will often say “I just love this time when the sun is making the sky red.”

Jordan  had a family birthday party and a friend birthday party.  She has such darling girls her age in our neighborhood. 


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Happy Birthday Jordi!  Thank you for making our days happy and so unpredictable.  Jordan absolutely lights up any room that she enters and I am so blessed to be her Mom!!

On another note, I have been a complete blog SLACKER.  So stay tuned in the next few days while I catch up on the events of the past week!!


jilljohnson said...

Happy Birthday Jord! I love you birthday girl. Thanks for letting us going to lunch today!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

We Love Jordi!!! Happy Birthday and we are so glad we got to share part of her day!!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Jord! I can't believe she's already a first grader. What a cute, spunky girl.

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
