Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sweet Taylor!

10 years ago at 4:52 a.m. on April 15th surrounded by my family I became a mom. An experience that most of you know, can’t be sufficiently put into words. I always feel bad for the oldest child because I feel like that where we make most of our mistakes. Taylor has been such a survivor. She truly has blessed my life and been my comfort. She has such a sweet spirit and was born with an innate desire to do what is right. She is caring and so sensitive. She LOVES her family and is often found making cards and writing notes. The other night was I preparing a presentation for a training I had to do at work. The printer (of course!) ran out of ink and I had to run to Wal Mart. I must have made mention that I was tired because when I returned home there was a note that said: Dear Mom: I swept and vacuumed the floor. I cleaned my room and Jordan’s room. I hope this makes you be able to go to bed earlier! What a sweet girl!

She is getting so old and I wish I had scanned some photos of her when she was a baby. I didn’t, so we will make do with recent photos. Taylor loves music and plays the piano and violion. She loves, loves, loves to ski and it is so incredible for me to share in that passion. She loves soccer and swimming. She is an excellent student and loves to read. She loves the gospel and is quite often the one to remind me its time to read scriptures, say family prayer or have family night. She loves activity days and has the best friends in the world!

When Taylor turned 9 she told this was the year she was going to do everything! She has done just that!

BofMMarathon 002 christmasparties09 008
Halloween09 036 Christmas09 053
moab 027 ski10 010

Top Left: Book of Mormon Marathon

Top Right: Taylor friend Christmas Party

Middle Left: Taylor is the old man! She was such as hoot at Halloween. Can you say Glen H?

Middle Right: Christmas Eve

Bottom Left: Grandma, Grandpa and cousins in Goblin Valley. Taylor LOVES Andrew! She loves all of her cousins so much. she is already concerned about who will take care of Jordan, Reagan and Samantha on the school bus when she moves on to middle school!

Bottom Right: Skiing with Hayden and Kaleb

Christmas09 011

I love you Taylor! What a great year. Thank you for being you!!


Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Oh...I love Taylor too. I am crying about her cleaning up the house when you ran for ink. Happy Birthday Tay!!

jilljohnson said...

What an awesome girl. We love her too. I think that Andrew talks about her more than me but that is okay she is such a wonderful cousin to all expecially him. Happy Birthday Tay!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
