Monday, March 1, 2010

Marathon Weekend

I know you were all thinking, Jodi is in no way good enough shape to run a marathon!  You are right!  This weekend our ward did a Book of Mormon Marathon.  On Thursday and Friday evening and ALL day Saturday we completed the entire Book of Mormon.  People in the ward sign up in 10 minute increments and we plow our way through.  Or as Kim and I said, you eat your way through.  I have never eaten so many treats and drank so much Diet Coke.  At one point we made a joke to hire a Coke truck to park outside.  Here are a few photos…

BofMMarathon 002 BofMMarathon 008
BofMMarathon 007  BofMMarathon 014
BofMMarathon 021 BofMMarathon 009

Check out Reagan above,  mouth stuffed full.  I love it.  Taylor, Hunter and Reagan did wonderful!  I swear Reagan could sit in one place for days as long as someone is tickling her arm or leg.  She just flopped back and forth between Kim, Shea and I.

What a great experience to be touched by such a wonderful book.  There were about 30 families in the ward who attended all or part of the Marathon. 


Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

I love it!!! The kids were begging at BYC to do it every 6 months!!! Pretty awesome considering they were reading the Book of Mormon. I am going to steal some of your pictures.

Anonymous said...

That sounds very cool!

jilljohnson said...

What better way to spend time at church is comfy clothes eating lots of food.

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
