Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Blessings

I have not posted for a while because I have not made time!  It’s a pet peeve of mine when people say they don’t have time to do a certain task or go to a certain event.  The truth is, we make time for the things that are important to us.  So, in the “making time” this past week for the most important things blogging has been put on the back burner.  In the past week both of the girls had Christmas parties at our house.  Both of the girls had parties at dance, we  made and delivered 25 neighbor gifts, planned the Christmas Eve program, Jordan had a program at school, I was in charge of Jordan’s class party and all of the Christmas shopping is done and gifts are wrapped.  It has been a great week and I am TIRED!  But not too tired to  ski tomorrow with Jeff, Tay, Chase, Reg, Hunter, Tonia and Hayden (look for future post)!!

For the first time ever both of the girls had their friends over for Christmas parties.  Last Friday I was questioning my sanity but the parties turned out to be fun.  Jordan had several friends over, they did a few crafts ate some treats and watched a little movie.  I recruited Taylor and her friend to help and they were a huge help!  Can’t you just see the attitude on these cute girls faces!!

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Taylor had 12 friends over and they were WAY more intense and loud than the little girls.  We had a chocolate fountain and the girls had a blast with it.  We also painted ornaments and made fridge magnet reindeer.  I post all of this so when Taylor is a teenager and tells me “you are the meanest mom in the world.”  I can make reference to this!!

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The girls played “truth or dare.”  One of Taylor’s friends was dared to dress up like a boy and ask me to “marry her.”  Poor Taylor, having a single mom!!  What cute girls.  Once again I was reminded what an incredible community I live in and how blessed my girls are to have such wonderful friends. 


Finally, here are a few photos of Jordan’s class sing-a-long.  Please take note of the extremely large pink moon boots!  I make Jordan wear them to school because the bus is so cold.  Well, she neglected to change out of them into her cute silver shoes!  So, here she is all dressed up with very large pink boots on, standing front and center!

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This is Jordan’s teacher Mrs. LaMont.  She is the best.  Above is Jord on her way to the annual “Tueller’s School of Dance Christmas Party.”  All of the dancers dress in red and green, perform talents and bring treats.  I didn’t get a photo of Taylor before she went but this is her 6th year of dance there and she looks forward to it every year!  This is Jordan’s 2nd year of dance and she loved the party!


jilljohnson said...

You are crazy! I am sure you girls loved thier christmas parties. Have fun skiing tomorrow.

Stephanie and Jason said...

Wow Super Mom!! You deserve the mother of the year award! How fun for the girls though! It looks like they all had fun!

Anonymous said...

The boots made me laugh out loud!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Samantha had a blast at the party. Happy Baking Tonight!!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
