Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween is no small deal around here.  We started nearly a week before Halloween with the ward party, had a school carnival, class parties, trick or treating and then a party at Grandma’s.  The kids loved every minute of it!

The girls were all so excited to dress up for school.  Jeff was rather excited himself.

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Taylor was a pirate.

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Jordan was Rapunzel.


For the time time in 4 years Mitchy was not with us on Halloween.  We missed him like crazy.  He sent us this photo.  He was some sort of Star Wars guy.  If I get specific I will get it wrong so I’ll leave it at that!

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Jeff was a “rocker” and so funny!!  He wore his costume all day!  Hilarious!  Love the zebra spandex!

Jordan and I started out by throwing her class party at 9:15 a.m, in the morning on Halloween Day.  Her teacher wanted a “spooky breakfast” and it turned out great!

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I picked up the kids after school and took them to ifrogz to trick or treat at his office.  They scored, seriously!  Their candy bags were full.  They every got ear buds. Nice!

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Jeff works with some of the most gracious and wonderful people!  Thank you to all of them.  The kids had a great time and scored some serious “loot.”

After ifrogz we made our traditional stop at the shop to see Grandpa and Gayle.  The kids love Gayle and she is a household name!

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We then headed downtown to trick or treat main street.  Again, the kids scored some serious goods.

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We then headed home for Trick 0r Treating.  This is our first year in our new neighborhood but because we had lived near we knew that a lot of trick or treaters came to the neighborhood.  There were no breaks in the door bell ringing.  It was really fun.  I stayed home to answer the door thinking I may get a few things done.  Not so!  Answered the door all night.  Gave away nearly 250 candy bars.

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Baby Kinnick’s first Halloween.  Jord could not wait to get back to Kim’s house to hold him!  After Trick or Treating we went to Grandma and Grandpas.  The kids were so hyped up I thought I may beat them all… Not really.  They had a great time!  When I was a child we used to go to Grandma and Grandpa Pickett’s for spaghetti after we were done Trick 0r Treating.  My mom has continued the tradition.  We ate spaghetti, did a pinata and traded treats!

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What a great night!  I saw a sign in a craft store the other day it said:  Grandma and Grandpa’s house:  The place were cousins go to become best friends!  I love it!!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

UEA 2011

For UEA this year we did our version of a “staycation.”  Kinnick is brand new and Kim was confined to home.  Mitchy was also coming for the weekend so I didn’t want to be far away. So, we planned several things near  home.  Jill and I took the kids to Salt Lake on Wednesday night.  We went to the Mayan.  The kids loved it.  We watched the divers and what Samantha called “a lady dancing on a pole.”  Oh dear!!

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Not exactly sure what Reg is doing in this bottom picture.  We swam at the hotel twice and then went to Hogle Zoo on Thursday.  Jamie, Ken and Kyson met us at the zoo.  Kyson was my favorite.  He LOVED the animals!  He had a fit every time we left a certain animal, he was so fun!

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On Friday we fulfilled a tradition and went to the annual “Pumpkin Walk.”  Taylor opted to stay home and hold Kinnick.  We came back to our house for lunch.

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The first year Jeff and I were dating he took a photo of Jordan at the pumpkin walks as Yoda.  It was so funny!  Now, I make her take on like there every year.  It is always funny!

On Saturday Mitchy was here and we went to the American West Heritage Center.  Corn mazes are not my favorite thing and my attitude probably reflected that.  Thanks to Jill we were able to get out pretty quickly.

The kids also rode horses, rode the train and went down a huge slide.

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On Saturday night we carved pumpkins..  again not my favorite but a good job to have done!  All of the kids pumpkins turned out great!


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Taylor’s finished pumpkin:

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Mitchell’s finished pumpkin:

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Jordan’s finished pumpkin:

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On Monday I went to the Pumpkin Walk again with Jordan’s class and their field trip.  I just have to share a few cute photos:

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Jordan and her BFF Avery

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Jord and a few of her friends in her class.

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Avery, AJ and Rylee in the Harry Potter cute out!  What a fun day!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
