Sunday, January 23, 2011

Orchestra at Temple Square

Taylor’s Ambassador orchestra group had the opportunity to go down to temple square and play for the Principal Players of the Orchestra at Temple Square.  Essentially this is the orchestra that plays while the Mormon Tabernacle choir sings.  Truly, what a humble, testimony building experience. 

The night before her group went they had a concert at the Tabernacle in Logan.  Her orchestra sounded so good!  Grandma, Grandpa, Jill, Anders, Maelee and myself went to support her.  Jeff had taken Jordan to Western Night at the school.

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Taylor has put in a ton of practice.  I can honestly say at least 30 minutes every day except Sunday. 

The next day we headed down to Temple Square.  My mom and I went down to support her and ended up in awe of the entire experience.  Here is what we learned:

The Orchestra doesn’t see the music they will play for Sounds for Sunday until the Thursday. They had about a two or three hour rehearsal and then are ready to go. That had me amazed.

The lady who mentored and played with Taylor had been playing the violin for 48 years.  She told Taylor she was practiced EVERY day since she started for at least 30 minutes with very few exceptions.

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I think my Mom and I could have stayed all night and watched them rehearse.  However, a nasty storm was coming in so we took Tay and left with the rest of the student.  I am so proud of Taylor for seeing something so time intensive and difficult through!  Way to go Taylor!

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Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
