Sunday, January 23, 2011

A New Year at the Ranch

My family has a tradition that we spend the New Year’s holiday at my Dad’s ranch.  It had been two years since we had gone and we were so excited that it worked out to go this year.  What an incredible time.  We played games, ate, went sledding,  snowmobiling, ate, danced, laughed, watched fireworks and did I mention eat?  What a great few days. 

Jill planned a “Minute to Win It” game that was so fun.

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I am still unsure WHY it was my turn when this game came around.  I had to put shaving cream all over my face and Jeff had to throw cheetos and see how many would stick!  SICK!!! But fun!

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We also played extreme spoons.. and I mean extreme.  If you don’t come away bleeding, bruised or with torn clothing..  You weren’t playing right. 

The kids and adult all spent countless hours in front of the Wii playing “Just Dance”  It was so fun!!!  I will just say this… “Baby’s got game!”

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Don’t let the fact that it was 13 below zero stop the kids from wanting to go sledding and snowmobiling.  I SO did not want to go out but once I did I was so happy.  We stayed warm and had a blast. 

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I love these kids!  Every one of them!  I am so blessed to see my nieces and nephews at least once a week and usually 3 or 4 times a week.  I’ll bet they kids jumped off that cornice 100 times!  Don’t worry… the adults had some fun too..

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Only Grandpa Elden would come up with a sled so the kids could be transported quickly up their own private sled hill…

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On New Year’s Eve my dad did a fireworks show.  We are not talking little fountains but “real life” fireworks.  Seriously, so beautiful!  The guys went out in the –20 degree weather to light the fireworks!  It was SO fun. 

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I didn’t get any photos of the show because we were watching from the car.  Here is grandpa getting the fireworks ready!

What a great way to ring in the New Year!  I was truly blessed inn 2010 and look forward to 2011!

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About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
