Saturday, August 31, 2013

A few more summer items.. (2103)

Our summer was so fun and so busy!  I wanted to add a few random pictures that warrant documentation!  I have to say this summer (in my opinion) was the best on record!!
 Jord wrapped up her 2nd year taking swimming from Debbie.  She is the same teacher I took from and I absolutely loved watching Jord's lessons.  Debbie is fabulous and still teaches the same way!  Jord improved SO much!  Thanks Debbie!!

 Tay went to Girls Camp for the second year.  This year was Stake Camp and they went to Heber City. With the theme "Stand in Holy Places" they had some incredible experiences.  Jeff went up for a couple of days as Priesthood and he loved it!  I was SO jealous!  One week is TOO long for my girl to be gone.  Above:  Tay and Lucy  Below:  Sienna, Sammy, Tay and Brytan

We went to St. George a couple of time this summer.  Why did I choose this picture?  Because we are all SITTING around.. which is what we do at St. George!  Sit around and love it!!!  
 We spent the 24th of July at Grandma and Grandpa's.  This is how Grandpa lights sparklers!  Seriously?  We loved it!!  At one point the conversation was this:  Ryan "I lost my lighter"  Dad "I can't find my knife"  Wow!!   The kids all came out in one piece and had  a great time!!
 I spend the weekend in Park City with my Mom and sisters.  We had such a great time!  We got pedicures, ate, laughed, ate and shopped!!  It was a delightful!!  I must add this was the summer of the flu as well.  Tay got it 2x and so did Jord.  Jeff and I escaped by literally every cousin and Aunt and Uncle got the flu at least 1x.  Kim happened to get her flu the second day of Park City.  She insisted we stay.  We insisted she go home.  No fear... Jill and I just shopped our way through Logan after we got  Kia home!!
 Jord took after her brother Mitchy and fell in LOVE with Legos.  I could get these 2 to do anything if they knew they could earn a new lego set!!  So many hours were spend just like this!!

 We went to the North Logan pool with my cousins and their kids.  In this photo from left to right:
Kinni, Jord, Grey, Ian, Anders, Evey, Reagan, Mitch, Mae, Seth, Mannie, Hunter, Luke, Karleigh, Savannah, Sophie and Jackson.   What an incredible time.  I stayed until past 7 at night with the bigger kids!  LOVED!
Jeff has a love affair with golf.  We don't go as much as he or I wishes.  Tay recently started taking golf lessons so we took the girls with us.  Jord LOVED driving this cart!
 Meet Belle!  We got a dog this summer and we all LOVE her.  I mean everyone!  Kinni begs Kim to come over.  Reg and Mannie come see him often.  When Mitch arrives her Belle is his first greeting!  Jord and her friends take Belle on walks and Belle sleeps in Taylors room.  Even Jeff and I love her!!
 Mitchy and Bellzie
 Jord and Ave took Belle for a walk down to the snow cone shack.  Note the plastic bag tied to belle's collar.  Jord just didn't want to carry to "poop" bag so she tied it to Belle's collar!
Even our neighbors love Belle.  Cute Easton lets out Belle when we are gone for a long time.  One day he came to our door and said he was in town and "just had to get Belle these toys"  Wow!  I love Easton and his family and this totally made my day!!

Last but not least Jord baked A LOT!  She made her own birthday cakes this year and was my helper in the kitchen and garden every time I needed it!  Love Her!!!
 Jord's newest craze... the polka dot cake.  I was impressed how well it turned out and it was all her!!

How blessed are we?  I am so grateful for my wonderful, hard working husband.  I am so blessed to be home with my kiddos and absolutely love it!!  

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Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
