Monday, February 25, 2013

Let Us Not Waste Time

Every once in a while an event happens that is so signifiant that it leaves a permanent imprint on your heart and changes your life forever.  When Taylor was in 6th grade (2011) she had just started Willow Valley Middle School and was meeting a lot of new friends from Hyrum who she hadn't previously gone to school with.  She had a young man named Kenton in several of her classes all year.  She talked about him ALOT.  She talked about how funny and friendly he was.  She would come home from school and tell me stories about he and his friend Diego and what silly things they had done that day.  Shortly after Tay finished 6th grade we learned that Kenton had been diagnosed with a form of Leukemia.  Taylor and I had the opportunity to go visit Kenton, his mom and sister at their home in July. We had a fabulous visit!  Kenton was home from Primary Children's Hospital as he was between rounds of treatment.  We laughed and laughed on that visit and both of us count it as a huge blessing!  As the summer went on and the kids went back to school Kenton was at the point in his treatment where he could receive a bond marrow transplant.  He received that and was recovering well.  The community and school rallied around this sweet boy and his family.  Kenton's mom and I became friends through various opportunities I had to serve Kenton and his family.  On January 11th Kenton and his sweet family found out that his cancer had returned and rather aggressively.  On January 12th Kenton and his family decided to discontinue treatment.  Kenton's chances of remission were slim.  Kenton wanted to go home and "eat his mom's food."  Through this journey Kenton's family had been so positive.  They have put complete faith in our Heavenly Father.  Their testimonies were powerful and their bravery unexplainable.  On January 20th Kenton was well enough to come home!  He received a police escort through the canyon and was welcomed to Hyrum by the streets being lined with friends and well wishers. 

On Tuesday, January 22nd I was taking Tay to Young Women's.  She had really been struggling with Kenton's condition.  She was very confused about WHY he had to endure 7 months of cancer only to die anyway.  Time in the car can be a magical thing.  Tay and I had a powerful discussion about our Heavenly Father's plan.  I dropped my sweet 12 year old off that night at the church with a full and broken heart.  By the time Taylor got home from Young Women's Kenton had passed away.  Taylor nor I had any idea Kenton would pass away that night.  I believe our discussion was a tender mercy granted to us by our Heavenly Father.  

Tay, of course struggled significantly with Kenton's death.  During the next few days we attended his viewing and his sweet funeral.  Now..  Why do I write all of this.  One, this if my families history and Taylor was touched by the Spirit in a profound way and I don't want her to every forget.  Two, my entire family learned such precious lessons that have changed us forever.  Three,  Kenton's mom Deb has become a dear friend of mine and I want to always remember her resilience and faith during this trial.  Fourth, its therapeutic!!!

When Taylor and I went to Kenton's viewing the line was quit long.  Once we entered the room where his casket was placed we could see his sweet family.  Kenton's mother is a first grade teacher and in front of us was the cute family of one of Deb's students.  As this sweet little girl walked through the line this is what Deb said, "I am sorry I have been gone so long, I will be back at school soon."  The heart of a teacher! Wow!  This sweet little student of Deb's was really struggling.  As they made their way through the line this little girl took a seat in a chair in the room.  She was crying very hard.  As she sat down by her mother, Kenton's sister left her place in the line of the viewing and took this little girl a tissue.  In her own grief she was helping to help someone else.  As Tay and I approached the family there were no words, there are none that fit.  Just lots of hugs and tears.  

The next day we went to the funeral and it was one of the best meetings I have ever attended.  What a powerful Spirit we felt there.  Incredible!!  Teri White gave an incredible talk that had people laughing and crying!  Now, if you don't know Teri White you  need too!  She taught my sweet Jordan in first grade.  I consider Jordan's year with Teri a MAJOR blessing.  Every day in Teri White's classroom is like being in a little corner of Heaven.  Kids not only to read, write and add they also learn how to listen to the Spirit, be kind and "trust their feelings."  Jordan is in 3rd grade and we still talk about Teri daily!

Kenton's Bishop also spoke.  He was such a kind person that seemed to have a tender heart.  Kenton's Bishop was so powerful and the main point of his message was Let Us Not Waste Time!  I will never forget it.  Use you life for the better, serve each other and serve our Heavenly Father!  He also shared that one of Kenton's regrets was that he would not be able to serve an earthly mission.  Kenton touched thousands of hearts in Cache Valley and in the state of Utah.  He and his families incredible spirit allowed individuals to feel a part of the peace that only the Gospel brings us.  Kenton served an earthly  mission alright, a very successful one at that.  One can only guess the powerful work he is doing now!!

Throughout the past several months I have learned several life lessons.  Here are a few:
The enabling power of the Atonement is real.  It is a gift that our Heavenly Father has given us to allow us to "Climb the mountains in our life."
Be Kind!  Just be nice!!
Make the everyday things with your kids meaningful.  The majority of our time is spent in carpools, homework, bath time and bed time.  Find joy in these things.  Treasure them, this is the way we spend our time, make it meaningful!
Serve our Heavenly Father and serve each other.  In the past month since Kenton passed away his dad has gone home teaching, his family has attended church and his parents have attended the temple.  What a testimony of faithfulness this family is!  In serving each other and our Father in Heaven we heal ourselves!  
Really get to know your kids.  Look into their soul and really understand them.  Understand and know the sweet Spirit that our Heavenly Father loaned to us for this earthly life.  
Families are Forever.  Eternal families is a gift that in my mind compares only to the gift of the Atonement.  Nurture that gift, care for it and make it special!
Decide what is important, work for that and protect it.  
There is an incredible comfort and power in the Gospel.  Keep the Spirit as a constant companion.
Make life better for others, in doing so you make your own life better.  

Thank you for the Reynolds family for changing my family.  Thank you for helping us to try a little harder, be a little kinder and take care of each other.  Thank you for teaching us the power of laughter and the importance of time spent together.  I know Kenton's family has a long journey ahead. One that will be filled with ups and down but one that they will not walk alone.  They have the comfort of all their many friends and family members, our Heavenly Father and one incredible Angel guiding them along the way.

Taylor's sweet soccer team wearing their Team Kenton sleeves.  They LOVED these!!

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About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
