Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Concert & Skiing

This holiday season has been NO VACATION!  We have been so busy.  So, I am going to do a little catch up.  Before Christmas Taylor had a Christmas orchestra concert and we skied a couple of times.

These Orchestra concerts include all of the 4th and 5th graders in the Cache County School District.  It is always amazing and humbling to me to see that many 9 and 10 years old pull off something so amazing.  As usual Taylor had a lot of family support!

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We were so lucky that Taylor happened to be seated on the end.  With 300 kids there the odds of that aren’t great!  Jordan was also there!  I have really loved watching Taylor bloom at playing the violin.  To be honest for the first year I thought we had made a terrible mistake.  But now… I love to listen to her practice!

Jeff and I also had the chance to ski one Saturday before Christmas.  I went against my better judgment because I had so much to do for Christmas.  However, I am SO glad that we went.  It was a beautiful day and the snow was incredible!!  My legs definitely felt it by the end of the day!  Another incredible day at the Beav!  Can’t wait for more to come!

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A few more random items from the Christmas Season:  We baked, and baked and baked….

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Jordan also went to a party at her Primary Teacher’s house.  She has the BEST primary teachers.  In Jordan’s primary class is Jordan (of course) and Samantha (most would call it quits with just the two of them) and about 6 other little girls who are equally as intense as Jordan and Samantha!  I  know.. WOW!  There is also one little boy.  Bless his heart!!!  The good news is..  The Sorenson’s are going to move up to CTR7 with the babies!  Yes!!

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1 comment:

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Bless the Sorensons!!! Most would so be asking for another class!!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
