Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ski 2010!

This was our third time skiing this year but our first time with everyone!  Also, my first time without Jeff (out of town on business) and the three little kids!  WOW!  They were really good and Taylor and Mitchell loved their lessons.  Jord stayed with me and did exceptionally well.  We went up and down the “magic carpet” several times and she even did the lift once.  This is a huge improvement from last time when we did not even make it 10 feet out of the lodge!

For documentation purpose I wanted to write everyone who was there (and so my kids appreciate it when they are old).  Lance, Tonia, Ryker, Hayden, Kaleb (he is a friend of Haydens but we consider him ours!), Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha, Ryan, Kendall, Jen, Jer, Luke, Taylor, Mitchell, Jordan and myself.  I know you all probably tired of hearing me say this but how blessed am I?? 

I didn’t get any photos of the older kids but I will catch them next time.  This was the first of many wonderful ski days!  Can’t wait!

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So, the bottom right photo is not skiing but I had to add it in.  Ryan, Jamie and Kendall brought us a special treat the other night and this is what Jordan did with it.  Heaven Help Me!!


jilljohnson said...

Looks like so much fun. One Saturday Adam will have to join in and mom, dad,Jamie, Little A and I will have to come up and go a BBQ like last year!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

It was a good day...thanks for letting me ride home with you guys. That was the perfect length of a ski day for me!

Jen said...

Cute pics, and I loved your year in review post. See you soon at the mountain.

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
