Monday, December 7, 2009

What brand do you wear?

The last 5 days have been so busy and full of blessings I have  not had time to sit down and post about it.  So, bear with me… its going to be long. 

Tonight was the Elden Dattage Towing company party.  My dad invites all of us girls and our families ever year.  It is always fun and I come away humbled at what my dad has been able to accomplish in his life.  This year his secretary did a theme around the Ranch and the brand my dad chose E-T.  His secretary, Gayle is a thoughtful, incredible lady.  She created these aprons and talked about the importance of honoring your name and the legacy and meaning that accompanies it.  How incredible and humbling.  Once again, I was reminded how very blessed I am to be born into the circumstances I have been.

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Last Thursday was our ward Christmas party and I am head of the activities committee.  I am always humbled and surprised and how willing people are to help.  Jeff helped for two days straight and Kim and Shea are in my ward and helped so much! I absolutely love my ward and definately feel like part of a ward family.  Here are a few photos.  Check out Jordan, she was dancing on the floor to the music!

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it in!!!

After that we headed down to Salt Lake for our annual shopping trip.  What a blast.  The kids swam, ate and shopped.  I just ate and shopped, a lot.  We went to temple square and saw the lights and had an ice cream party together nightly!

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Taylor is growing up so fast!  She wanted to shop for clothes, not toys!!  OH MY!  She is such a sweet girl it is fun, but heart breaking to see her grow up!
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Taesha had her first debate tournament and did well enough to advance to the final round.  She joined us Saturday night just in time for temple square.  Way to go T.

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Jord was so pooped out she fell asleep with one of her new purchases!   What a great weekend!

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Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

I thought Gayle's Brand Theme was awesome too!! I think we should make sweatshirts or something!!

jilljohnson said...

I love the picture of kim she is the clean freak of the family. I agree with both of you Gayle theme this year for the party was awesome!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
