Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Simple Blessings

I don’t have my camera because its with Jeff somewhere (I believe Minnesota).  But I wanted to post without photos.  The main reason for my post is because I am overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude today.  Jeff is gone working but I am so grateful for how hard he works and the security that provides me.  I am grateful for my kids, beyond belief and I have had great conversation (even if its via text) with 4 of the 5 today (if you count Jeff’s kids too).   Only people who have experienced divorce realize sometimes a day or two goes by without talking to your own kids.  I have spoken with 3 of my 4 siblings and both of my parents today.  How blessed I am to live in and be so close to my family both in proximity and emotionally. 

It was Mountainside Elementary’s night at McDonalds and Kim had Young Women in Excellence so I took my kids and hers.  Doesn’t sound like a night at McDonalds with lots of kids would produce feelings of gratitude.  But  my kids and I were able to spend the evening with their cousins and friends and I was again reminded what a great community I live in.   After that I spent the evening watching Reagan, Jordan and Samantha dance to High School Musical.  This is when I wished I had the camera, again I was overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude.  What beautiful, silly girls who are blessed to see each other almost daily. 

So all in all, I realize that life has its challenges and its not always perfect.  However, I would not trade what I have for anything!  It is in life’s simple blessings that we determine our happiness and simple blessings are more than abundant for me.


jilljohnson said...

I am glad that today has been a good day for you!!! Just so you know I feel blessed to have you as an older sister and a great example to me! I have no idea how you do everything you do and keep up with everything happening in your life. This might seem corney but I want to end by saying I love you!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

We are so blessed. I felt the same way a few days ago...just overwelmed with the goodness of everything. Thanks for watching and feeding the kids last night!!

Jen said...

I loved your post. I'm hoping for even more good blessings coming your way. On another topic: I joined the gym! I've been at 5:30 twice. I'm expecting to see you soon!

About Us

Elder and Sister Dattage are currently serving in the New Mexico, Farmington mission! They are serving in Zuni, New Mexico in the Zuni Branch!
